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Monday, January 9, 2012


"Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation.
                                                                                      For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!”
Matthew 26:41

Temptation is everywhere.  Sometimes we don't realize its there because we have learned not to give into a particular temptation.  For me food is probably the biggest temptation that I am at a constant battle.  I had a battle with temptation today, the culprit COOKIES!  These weren't just any cookies these were homemade cookies.  I did well this morning eating a banana for breakfast and was so proud of my accomplishments this past week.  I go into my classroom and checked my email to find a message that said that there were homemade cookies in the teacher's lounge.  My first thought was that I did well last week and I just had a banana for breakfast maybe one wouldn't hurt.  My second thought was, I know I won't be able to just have one, it's not just limited to Pringles.  I went on about my day not thinking about the yummy cookies that were only about 30 steps away, until I needed to go to the bathroom.  The teacher's bathroom is located in the,  you guessed it, teacher's lounge. DUN DUN DUNNNNN. As soon as you opened the door you could smell it, like going to grandma's house.  I paused for a moment and then quickly went into the restroom. Since I'm drinking more water then I usually do I made several trips throughout the day.  I think I even seemed a little scary when someone was eating one and I said to her "you mean you are eating those horrible cookies!" I know this seems silly and slightly dramatic but if you have ever struggled with weight then you have had these same thoughts.  I tried to rationalized eating a cookie all day; I won't eat a snack or I'll make sure I'll exercise today, or even I will just have a cheat day today.  Don't we do that all the time, try to justify doing something that we know we shouldn't just to make it "ok" to do.  I knew that if I ate even a pinch of a cookie then the rest of my week would be blown and then I would hate myself even more.  Now I have not given up cookies for the rest of my life, but I need to get my head straight for a while before I have one or at least when it is actually a cheat moment.  I try to plan those, if not every moment will be a cheat moment.  My mom's doctor told her that she could eat a steak every now and then just not to eat the whole cow.  I love that and thought about that today. It's important to know your limitations and stay within those.  There are things in life that we shouldn't even "nibble" when tempted. To summarize a very long story, when faced with temptation of any kind it's important to look within but if it's up to us, we would eat all the cookies!

Day 9
I took this picture at the end of the day.  These are the cookies that were left, there were a couple more plates and tons of them.  I'm sure they were great, but don't ask me cause I didn't eat any! 


  1. I know where you're coming from. With me, it's all or nothing.
