Pages, Ideas, Specials

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year

I am not always glad to see a New Year, other than being thankful that God has granted me another one, because I usually just see it as having a semester left till summer vacation.  I know all my fellow teachers just gave me and AMEN!  This year is different, I have a sense of Hope and Peace about what's going to happen next.  No, I have no idea what is going to happen but I think it's going to be Collosal!  I'm sure there will be bumps in the road and most likely things won't always go my way, but I feel confident that as long as I keep my focus on God I will be just fine.

Another reason I'm glad to see a new year is because this one has not been my favorite.  My mom had a heart attack in June, it wasn't anything minor mainly because she decided to wait over 8 hours before she told anyone she was having symptoms.  She actually said "I didn't want to bother anybody."  I appreciate her constantly thining of others, but come on even Ms. Manners would excuse you from bothering someone because you are having a heart attack.  She's doing great now.  She and my dad came to my house for Christmas and she looks better than she has in years.  The holodays are never her happiest times; however, she seemed happier than as far back as I can remember.  I think it has something to do with the fact that she is taking really good care of herself.  This makes me very happy! 

If mom's health issues weren't enough to make a year seem long, my dad was put in the hospital back in October.  He had fluid around his heart.  They took I know at least 2 liters worth the first day, not sure the total amount but it was alot.  They put in a "window" to make sure that the fluid doesn't build up again.  The also foind some spots on his lungs while he was there and some other tests have come up "fishy".  We are waiting results to see what needs to happen next.  Lots of prayers are needed!

There are some other things here and there that have been a pain, but I'd just be complaining.

I have made some goals for myself, not resolutions, because I want to accomplish some things and any Life Coach or Oparah would tell you that you must start with making a list.  So I leave you with my list and then a few pics if I can get them on before my computer decides to go to sleep.

1.  Do the 365 picture a day project.
2.  Get rid of 40 bags of junk from my house.  (I already did 2!)
3.  Complete 100 scrapbook pages (did 5 today).
4.  Make 50 cards (this one is going to be hard for me,
5.  Lose 60 pounds.  (I'm giving myself a year to do it, I lost 50 before, but I gained it back plus 10 so I had to say 60)
6.  Participate in every Birmingham Emmaus Walks this year in some form (whether attending or doing things from a far)

That's it for now.  They may not seem big, but they are something I want to do.  Now of course there are other things in my life that are goals and important and will be put above anything on my list.  I just hate saying I want to do this or that but never do, so there ya go.

 My dad, mom, brother, and MG doing a peace sign in some crazy shorts.
This is Day 1 pic of the 365 project.  MG was outside riding her bike Gran gave her and she stopped and let me take some pics.  I liked this one because she has a sweet presence with a touch of goofy!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Steph! I'll be rooting you on for all those items on your list! I wrote mine down this morning....
