I love this time of year; the smell in the air, football games, caramel apples, costumes, turkey and then it ends with trees and presents. These things are nice but they bring me back to what I truly love; family. Family means the world to me, not just husbands, children, moms and dads, I'm including those people that when you meet them it seems like you were seperated from birth, a strong connection that you can't quite explain. I am blessed to have had people like this throughout my life, some for a season and some for a lifetime. Those that are meant to be for a lifetime always find there way back, and sometimes it is me that finds my way back to them.
I guess that is why I LOVE scrapbooking. It gives me a chance to relive those memories. I have scrapped super daughter's (SD) life up until about she was 15 months old. I have started skipping around. I may sit down and do a layout when she was 2, but I have also done a couple of her at her current age. There is no rule that says I have to do them in any particular order. I will, however, go back and put in them in order as close as I can get.
SD started asking about when she was a baby, she seems fascinated with the stories and things she did. She'll ask, "mom tell me about that time I..." and I'll go get one of her scrapbooks and we will look at the pages. She will giggle and smile and usually ask me to tell her again. I thought that one day when she was my age that she would love to be able to show her own son or daughter about when she was little, I didn't anticipate her enjoyment of them so soon. Oh course there are some pages that she won't appreciate as much when she is older, like the bathtub ones.
I was talking to a friend just a few minutes ago who has a daughter a few years younger than me who has recently joined the scrapbooking world. She was showing me pictures of when her daughter was a baby and how she was going to make a scrapbook of her growing up. She mentioned that she probably won't do every picture but hit the highlights. What a great way to walk down memory lane.
It doesn't matter if you think you'd be good at it, when SD looks at my books she doesn't critique the techniques I used or looks to see if everything is straight. I gave my mom a couple of mini books that just had a few pics in them, she looked at the pictures and saw the time I put into them. She didn't notice that I stamped something upside down.
Scrapbooking can be overwhelming, it is for me sometimes. You can do one page 5,000 different ways. Just pick some pics and go for it, you're not being graded. I will give you a happy face if you need one.
I will start posting some of my creations, so check back to see what "scrap" I've been up to. Leave comments if you have questions about scraping. Check out the websites listed for ideas and inspiration.
Whether you're young or old you too have "A Life Worth Scrapping"!
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